Greater maturity
At this stage, we want to respect the wishes of both the parents and students themselves in terms of the balance between fun and traditional learning. The teachers at You First therefore start from the needs and desires of each group in terms of how to improve the class. This may mean we work towards an exam or reinforce what is being done at Secondary School.
We want the students themselves to be aware of what they need and become more autonomous.
Keeping them interested
The what may change, but the how stays constant. We continue to look for topics and activities that engage our students. We also develop skills, like summarising texts, giving lively and original presentations or developing vocabulary learning skills. The challenge for us at You First is in finding ways to engage the students who are the most reluctant to speak. This may involve music, games, theatre or even magic tricks!
Vocabulary may come from a variety of topics, but there is greater emphasis in learning "how to fish" than in being spoon fed. They must learn to become more autonomous and self-disciplined.
Growing up
They have to be willing to take up this opportunity by participating and making an effort to reach the next level. We will try to reach them, but they have to meet us half-way. In many cases, the carrot of a high-level Trinity or the Cambridge First Certificate may be what they need.
To reach these goals, it is essential to keep English in their lives outside this school, with summer camps or contact with foreigners and by reading or listening to music. Exposure has to be as broad as possible.
This contact will, in turn, help them widen their horizons and enjoy other cultures.
Special help
Some students choose to go to our support clases for Selectividad and Bachilerato or ESO.